Petco Bouncing Spiny Ball

Squishy-Squashy Time! Soft and durable all in one...
Very durable soft ball for smaller dogs. We love that the spines keep the ball from getting slobbery as you play. This ball is a favorite, especially its bounce. Really perfect for indoor play, but travels well outside too.
Please take time to read the Basic Facts about dogs and toys:
The Basic Bite Facts: There is no ball that will hold up to every single dog out there, as no material is perfect, but this ball will hold up very well for most. The canine jaw is extremely powerful.
The exact power of the canine jaw varies with length, size and width of the jaw, and as you might imagine, also varies among individuals. Actual power also relates to age and how much that dog exercises those muscles. Additionally, bite power is reflective of individual drive (how much the dog wants to take the bite) and whether or not the dog tends to munch at the front or back of the mouth. The front of the mouth offers less leverage, and thus less power, than the back.
Averages of jaw strength were measured in a recent study on a bite sleeve between an American Pit Bull, a German Shepherd and a Rottweiler. The average bite strength was determined at 269 pounds of pressure. Having the long/widest mouth ratio, the Rottweiler topped the group with 328 pounds of bite pressure. I do not know whether the study took into account placement of the bites or whether enough individual dogs were tested to get a good average sampling of each breed, but what I do know is 269 pounds is a lot of pressure!
The Toy Truth: So, dog toy manufacturers really have their work cut out for them and many are doing a pretty good job. I know we all want those toys to last as long as possible. You can definitely see trends as to which toys last better and which don't. But the truth is, every product will be able to be destroyed by some champion chewer out there.
I have tried to present only the best made, most doggy-appealing, and most durable toys for you. And, we all know, no toy is perfect for everyone. I only hope the extra information I am providing you on each and every toy will help you make a wiser purchase and one that will be as satisfying as possible for you and your best furry friend.
Supervision is Neccessary: All toy play must be supervised with dogs, as dogs are quite amazing in their ability to shred, destroy, and swallow items, some in record time. Still, all balls of palm size and smaller are able to be swallowed by dogs and thus, care should be taken with their use. You know your own dog and how much you might need to supervise their play. All puppies should be very carefully supervised.